Input: Query sequences
Input: sequence file (Fasta format, may be gzipped with .gz extension only).
Input: Tree file (Newick format, may be gzipped with .gz extension only).
Input: Outgroup file (Txt format, one line per taxon, may be gzipped with .gz extension only).
Input: Phenotype file (Txt format, sequence names with convergent phenotype, one line per taxon, may be gzipped with .gz extension only).
CONDOR run mode (condor: all analyses, emergence only, or correlation only)
Evolutionary model
Rate heteorogeneity among sites
Invariant sites
Equilibrium frequencies
Minimum nb of convergent sequences (≥)
Minimum nb EEMs for convergent mutations (≥)
Threshold pvalue for emergence
Threshold logBF for Correlation (BayesTraits)
In all cases
Enter your e-mail if you would like to be notified when the job is finished.
Enter a run name (optionnal) if you would like to remember it more easily.
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